Flutter Effect

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. (Genesis 50:20 NIV)


A single Flutter Can Change The World

Ultrasounds Placed
Medical Professionals Trained in Sonography


A world where every expecting mother in every corner of the world has access to ultrasound imaging


To provide pro-life pregnancy centers in developing countries with brand new hand held ultrasound and the necessary training. 

Guiding Verse

The city streets will be filled with boys and girls playing there. (Zechariah 8:5 NIV)

What Is Flutter?

Our name comes from the delicate and fragile human heartbeat that, at 5 ½ weeks, can be seen on an ultrasound image. As it beats, the room stands still, and everyone holds their breath. The image of the heartbeat that appears on the monitor looks like a butterfly fluttering its wings.
It is that single flutter that can change the world. When a scared young woman sees that fluttering for the first time, tears run down her face, and she realizes this is a child, her child. It is knowing that God gently placed her there for protection. Each time a pregnancy center performs an ultrasound, God orchestrates a divine appointment. It gives her a chance to choose life, to have hope, and to be supported, loved, and cherished.
The cost of going fully medical is highly expensive and limits smaller pregnancy centers. That is why we have partnered with Project Ultrasound to make a difference.
The need is great, the blessings are abundant, and the vision is real! Helping these parents choose life by seeing the flutter of a heartbeat will change their world.

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.